One of the most notable updates in the new laws is the clear recognition of the economic impact of family violence in property settlements.
What is considered family violence?
Family violence includes physical abuse, threats, intimidation, coercion, and other controlling behaviours. Economic abuse—such as preventing a partner from working, controlling access to money, or incurring debts in the other party’s name—also falls under this category.
How will courts consider family violence?
If one party has suffered financial hardship due to family violence, the courts will factor this into their settlement. For example, if a victim was unable to work or forced into financial dependence, the economic consequences of this mistreatment may influence their share of the property pool.
However, the family law courts will not have the power to:
- Sentence an individual for family violence offences (this remains within the jurisdiction of state and territory criminal courts).
- Award compensation for harm caused by family violence (victims may seek compensation through state and territory schemes).
- Issue or amend family violence protection orders (these are handled by state and territory courts).
The court does, however, have the ability to make injunctions restraining a party from undertaking such behaviours, and such injunctions can be similar to terms as set out in state or territory protection orders.