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Family lawyers Adelaide de facto relationships

De Facto Relationships

23 July, 2018

In most cases when you first enter into a de facto relationship, you don’t  consider the impact this may have on your financial situation. Most people think that because they don’t get married and…

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Work Experience at Williams Barristers and Solicitors

20 June, 2018

How work experience has effected me, and how it can effect you On the 29th of May, as a year ten student of just 15 years, I began my four-day work experience with Williams Barristers and Solicitors.…

Read full Work Experience at Williams Barristers and Solicitorsarticle

Inheritance and Property Settlement

5 June, 2018

When an inheritance is received, and it benefits both parties to the relationship, often upon separation the spouse who is the intended beneficiary will argue that the financial benefit was only…

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When can children have their say?

30 May, 2018

Children’s involvement in the family law process There are varying opinions as to what extent children should have their say in resolving parenting arrangements post separation. For some this might…

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Family court lawyers father and young child holding hands the lighthouse project.

Quality Parenting After Separation

16 May, 2018

Solving Parenting Issues after Separation There are many difficult decisions to be faced following separation, the most difficult of those decisions will probably be who the children will live and…

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Family Lawyers Adelaide and Divorce Lawyers help make you aware of your rights early when you irretrievably split.

Family Law - Divorce. What is the Process and what you should know?

16 May, 2018

No fault divorce In Australia we have the principle of no-fault divorce. This means that when the court is granting a divorce it does not need to consider why the marriage ended. The court must…

Read full Family Law - Divorce. What is the Process and what you should know?article

Property Settlements

16 April, 2018

The Family Law Act (FLA) provides the court with the power to make an alteration of property interests arising out of a relationship. Although governed by separate sections of the Act, the general…

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Couple kissing their baby Family Lawyers Adelaide

Child Support Agreements

11 April, 2018

Child support is ongoing financial support made by one parent to the other to contribute to the ongoing costs associated with raising the parties’ child or children. CSA Administrative Assessment For…

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Breaching Parenting Orders

9 April, 2018

What are parenting orders? When a dispute arises in relation to providing care arrangements for a child and court proceedings are initiated, the court will examine all of the evidence presented by…

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Family Lawyers Adelaide for child parenting legal matters.

Relocating Your Child Without The Other Parent's Consent

28 March, 2018

Relocating with a child in Australia  Under the Family Law Act there is a presumption of equal shared parental responsibility. This means that regardless of the relationship status of the parents,…

Read full Relocating Your Child Without The Other Parent's Consentarticle

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